Guru Purnima 2006 - Penukonda India

We’re here! After several days of adventures in Bangalore including a wild all-day adventure with customs getting our cargo shipment, we arrived at the Divine Mystery Fort, the place we fell in love with four months ago. Because of this place and the master Sri Sai Kaleshwar, we decided to change our life and go for some deep soul work in India. As we sit here looking out from our apartment which was only a pile of bricks on the forth floor when we last saw it, we are amazed at the journey we have taken and all the steps along the way. We miss all our dear friends and family and yet we feel so close to you. It is as if your breath is riding on the STRONG winds that have been blowing through Penukonda since we arrived.
I used to be afraid of the wind, seriously afraid. As I hear her coming and the doors start banging, clothes on the clothesline start spinning and buckets of rain dump here and there, I notice that I am not scared. It feels exciting! It feels like a message. Nature is alive and singing her song.
Many people from all over the world came to celebrate Guru Purnima. Part of the pull is that most people have a Power spot that they need to connect with each year. The other important part is that it is the full moon of the Guru. It happens once a year. People bring special lays for the Baba Statue and many prayers are answered in wonderful ways for friends, family and the world. Sri Kaleshwar is the special agent and living saint who sets up special processes for various groups and many processes for the whole group in attendance.
I was surprised that there were fire pujas in the temple almost every day at 10:00AM They lasted almost two hours and ended with an Arathi. That is a ceremony of light that happens four times a day in the temple. Being crammed in with 300 people sitting on the floor with no space to move was very uncomfortable. I found my prayers going to just getting me through the puja. As I slipped into trance I found the time passed quickly and I could feel that what was going on there was important for my process.
The second day at the puja, I started crying immediately. I felt all the pain of the world and I was right there in front of Baba (along with 300 others) so I let the prayer be felt, flowing out, begging Baba to help us do something for this world of ours. Then I started feeling nauseas and dizzy, and then weak. I didn’t know if I could make it through. By the end, it was time to go around the fire three times and then the temple three times and I was a zombie. I wandered home and fell asleep for about two days. I had a high temperature, diarrhea and no energy. I couldn’t eat or go anywhere. I started taking Chinese medicines and Tylenol. As the days passed and others did their amazing processes I just slept.
The medical system here at the ashram is well organized for the program. Someone checks the health of each room everyday between 7:00 and 8:00AM. They have advice and medicines. On the third day, I started the green coconut diet. Sage went to get them for me. They are like a supernatural life line. I was able to digest the milk and my energy began to return. The Tylenol brought the fever down. Also, on the third day I was convinced by the old-timers that it was time to take the first stage of antibiotics. After avoiding these for three years, I knew it was best.
Life is all about surrender. Being able to surrender to whatever is happening and trusting all is well. I have missed processes that I wanted to be at. The last few days I have saved all my energy for one special time each day. Then it is western medicine to assure I can leave the nearby restroom for an hour or two.
Oh, on a more positive note, Sage became a strong part of the audio team immediately. He is setting up sound many times a day. It is quite an effort to get everyone to understand Swami and to video and record every talk so they can be translated into German and read again in English for the many others. The translations are read the next day after each talk during programs.
The Theme for this Guru Purnima was The Mother Womb Chakra/The Holy Womb Chakra and how to strengthen and use this holy energy source for each of us. I will write more about that when I can.
It has been so wonderful to have so many students of Jonathan and Alx here. There are ten of us. It feels like a strong protection circle. Diana, Tara, Lynn and I were putting on saris for the arrival of the Minister of Andhra Pradesh. It was funny trying to tie a long piece of red cloth on us and look as elegant as the Indian women look every day. We did turn into beauties and came back from the event soaking wet. The grand finale was a short but powerful storm. The locals were laughing so hard at us.
Diana was saying it seems like we have been here for a long time. So much happens in one day and each day is so different in spite of the routines of Abeshek at 5:00AM, the three Arathis’, and the three meals a day. It is a fascinating experience.
By the way, Sage and I have been invited to lead a couple of bhajans sometime and the evening devotional singing is quite Divine although sometimes cut short or cancelled because of the mysterious way things go at the Divine Mystery Fort.
That’s it from this side of the globe. Blessings, peace, and big huge love.