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Location: San Jose, California, United States

I am the Maya half of Maya & Sage. I am the one who is prone to writing down flashes of what seem like insights and often turning those into songs or bhajans. I used to think I knew who I was, part of a married duo called Maya & Sage, Spirit Singers out to spread the energy of love and healing to the world. Now, I am seeing the possibilities of being even more than that. Many folks have asked us to write about our adventure into the unknown. To occasionally describe what our life is like with a saint guiding us to deeper truths. Our wish is to keep in touch. We will do our best to update you now and then and post the musings of Maya along the way. We hold you all close in our hearts and we are here if you need special prayers and healing. We are happy to practice the ancient ways as we learn to be healing lights in the world. Another way to keep up with our adventures and schedule is through our website.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Milestones 6-19-06

Moonstones, sunspots, milestones,
Hopping from stone to stone.
As we peel away the layers of time,
Miles along the path,
The long journey into matter
And back out again.
Rock hopping is quite interesting lately.
They come quickly and always another stone
Waits after each landing,
Calling us,
You can make it,
keep on coming,
Pay attention to the moon's reflection of sunlight,
On the stones.
Find happiness in each leg of the trail,
Feel the wind in your hair as you travel,
At lightning speed through,
Moonstones, sunspots, and milestones.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Maya & Sage,
I'm so happy to read your blog, thanks so much! Wish we were there too. Huge love and blessings to both you & Sage, and the entire Alx & Jonathan transplants. You're in our hearts.
Much Love,

4:49 PM  

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